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The functions and duties of the Directorate and its Divisions:

  • Following up environmental pollution issues.

  • Regulating the handling of hazardous materials and explosives.

  • Following up the implementation of the decisions of the National Committee for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.

  • In charge of the Secretariat role of the Higher Council for Civil Defense, and following up the implementation of its decisions.

  • Sustaining the work of the Operations Room of the Higher Council for Civil Defense.

  • Preparing annual emergency plans in partnership with all administrative units and concerned ministries and institutions to develop the national plans to preserve public safety at its comprehensive level.

  • Developing and updating a database about vital and sensitive locations and constructions.

  • Defining and assessing hazardous zones and their coordinates, such as creeks and valleys pathways, landslide locations, zones prone to earthquake, etc.

  • Developing strategic and action plans for the traffic safety, and following up the work of the Higher Council for Safety.

  • Following up the work of the Technical Central Office for Traffic Affairs.

  • Following up the general traffic policy on the roads of the Kingdom.

  • Developing preventive measures to mitigate accidents occurrence.

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