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Minister of Interior Mazen Al-Faraya, accompanied by the Director of Public Security, visit the Traffic Department

Al-Frayya praises the exceptional efforts made by the Traffic Department staff in various circumstances and around the clock


The Minister of Interior chairs a meeting to discuss preparations for the parliamentary elections.

Today, Sunday, the Minister of Interior, Mazen Al-Faraya, chaired a meeting attended by the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Independent Election Commission


Al-Faraya: The Jordanian government's priority is its citizens, not the refugees, and the refugees' original homeland is their homeland

Interior Minister Mazen Al-Faraya stressed the importance of the conferences producing results and ideas to find successful


His Royal Highness Crown Prince Al Hussein, the Regent, visits the Ministry of Interior

Prince Al Hussein, the Regent, visits the Ministry of Interior and chairs the Higher Council for Traffic Safety


interior Minister Mazen Al-Faraya receives a delegation from the Tanzanian Defense College at the ministry’s headquarters.

interior Minister Mazen Al-Faraya receives a delegation from the Tanzanian Defense College at the ministry’s headquarters.


Al-Faraiah meets with the Ambassador of the Republic of Rwanda to the Kingdom.

During his meeting in his office today, with the Ambassador of the Republic of Rwanda to the Kingdom


Interior Minister Mazen Al-Faraya instructed governors and administrative governors today, Wednesday, to release 485


Interior Minister Mazen Al-Faraya meets with the US Assistant Secretary of State for Security, Democracy and Human Rights Affairs

During his meeting in his office today, Interior Minister Mazen Al-Faraya, with US Assistant Secretary of State for Security


Al-Faraya chairs a meeting to follow up on efforts to eliminate attacks on water sources

n continuation of the previous meetings held regarding the issue of eliminating attacks on water sources in all regions of the Kingdom


Al-Faraya: Jordan has mobilized all available capabilities فخ reduce the humanitarian tragedy in Gaza

Al-Faraya: Jordan has mobilized all available capabilities to reduce the humanitarian tragedy in Gaza


Al-Faraya meets his Saudi counterpart on the sidelines of the meetings

Al-Faraya meets his Saudi counterpart on the sidelines of the meetings


Al-Faraya meets with the Egyptian Minister of Interior, Major General Mahmoud Tawfiq, and discusses with him security cooperation relations between the two countries

Al-Faraya meets with the Egyptian Minister of Interior, Major General Mahmoud Tawfiq, and discusses with him security cooperation relations between the two countries


Al-Faraya: Participates in the forty-first session of the Council of Arab Interior Ministers

Al-Faraya: Participates in the forty-first session of the Council of Arab Interior Ministers


Al-Faraya: Receives his Iraqi, Lebanese and Syrian counterparts

#Interior Ministers of #Jordan, #Iraq, #Syria and #Lebanon meet in Amman to discuss the drug scourge and ways to combat it.


Minister of Interior: 25 percent of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip is from and through Jordan

Minister of Interior: 25 percent of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip is from and through Jordan

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